Tuesday 3 August 2021

Important Phrases and words for BCS, Bank, and others jobs


Important Phrases and words for BCS, Bank, and others jobs

The following Phrases and words are very important for any job exam like BCS, Bank, and others jobs,


‘A bed of rose’ means  - comfortable

‘A bolt from the blue’ means  – An unexpected calamity

‘A bull market’  means  that share prices – rising

‘A cock and bull story’means  – A false story

‘A dark horse’ means – A man who does not talk much but surprises others by his qualities

‘A forgone conclusion’ means – An anticipated result

‘A fall guy’ means – A silly person

‘A bone of contention’ means – A matter of dispute

‘A bird brain’ means – A fool

‘A stitch in time saves nine’ means –Saving time

‘A man of letters’ means – A scholar

‘A round dozen’ – A full dozen

‘A stone’s throw’ means –At a short distance

‘A sitting duck’ means-An easy target

‘A snake in the grass’ means-A hidden enemy

‘A slow coach’ means-A very lazy person

‘An apple of discord’ means-An object of dispute

‘Apple of one’s eye’ means- extremely favourite

‘At home with’ means-At ease

‘At the eleventh hour’ means-At the last time

‘Bag and baggage’ means- leaving nothing behind

‘Bad blood’ means- enmity

‘Barking dogs seldom bite’ means- Empty vessels sound much

‘Beggar description’ means- indescribable

‘Between the devil and the deep sea’ means- difficult situation

‘Beyond all questions’ means- without doubt

‘Bill of fare’ means- a list of dishes at a restaurant

‘Birds eye view’ means- a rough idea

‘Blue blood’ means-aristocratic birth

‘Black sheep’ means-wicked man

‘Blue chips’ means- industrial shares considered to be a safe investment

‘Blank verse’ means-having no rhyming end

‘Black and blue’ means-mercilessly

‘Bottom line’ means- the essential point

‘Bon voyage’ means-wish you a good trip

‘Bottom of my heart’ means-core of my heart

‘Bring to book’ means-rebuke

‘Bring to pass’ means- cause to happen

‘To build castles in the air’ means- to be a dreamer

‘By and large’ means-mostly

‘By fits and starts’ means-irregularly

‘By all means’ means-certainly

‘By fare means or foul’ means-in any way-honest or dishonest

‘By leaps and bounds’ means-rapidly

‘Cats and dogs’ means-heavy

‘Carry the day’ means- win

‘Capital punishment’ means-death penalty

‘Call name’ means-rebuke

‘Call to mind’ means-remember

‘Come to light’ means- to publish

‘to Carry coals to Newcastle ’ means-to take things where they are already plentiful 

‘Cock and bull story’ means- a silly story

‘Cope with’ means- deal with

‘Crocodile tears’ means  – tears or expressions of sorrow that are insincere

‘ Culpable homicide’ means- murder

‘Dark horse’ means – unknown person

‘Dead letter’means – law not in forse

‘Die in harness ‘ means – die in business

‘Deep water’ means – in trouble

‘Dilly dally’means – waste time

‘Dog days’ means – hot weather

‘Donkey work’means – the hard and boring part of a job

‘Ended in fiasco’ means – complete failure

‘Every now and again’ means –occasionally

‘Empty vessels sound much’ – barking dogs seldom bite

‘End in smoke’means – to come to nothing

‘Face to face’means – in person

‘Far cry’means – long distance

‘Fish out of water’means – uncomfortable position

‘Fight shy’ means – avoid

‘For good’means – permanently

‘Go to the dogs’means – be ruined

‘Give me a hand’means- pick me up

‘Hold water’means – bear examination

‘Habeas corpus’ – fundamental rights of prisoners

‘Herculean task’means – a very difficult task

‘Hard and fast’means – fixed

‘Hot days’means – hot weather

‘In black and white’means – in writing

‘In a nutshell’means – briefly

‘In deep water’means – in trouble

‘In lieu of’means – instead of

‘In no time’ means – very soon

‘In spite of’means – despite

‘In the right’means – correct

‘Keep your nose out of somethi g’means – to avoid

‘Kith and kin’ means – relatives

‘Leave no stone unturned’  means- try every possible means

‘Look before you leap’ means-  be wary

‘Loaves and fishes’ means- personal gains

‘Maiden speech’ means- first speech

‘Make good’ means- compensation

‘Modus Operendi’ means – method of operation

‘Milk and water’ means- lifeless/ dull

‘Nip in the bud’ means- beginning

‘nouveau riche’ means – new rich

‘Nota bene’ means – mark well

‘Null and void’ means- cancel

‘Numb scull’ means – stupid person

‘ Once in a blue moon’ means- very rarely

‘On the eve of’ means- just before

‘ To play on a fiddle’ means- to waste time

‘Pin money’ means- sundry expenses

‘To put the cart before the horse’ means – to reverse the natural order of things

“Prior to’ means- before

‘Pors and cons’ means- all

‘Prima facie’ means- at first view

‘Red letter day’ means – important and memorable day

‘Rainy day’ means-  a difficult day

‘Silver lining’ means- hope

‘Seventh heaven’ means- in a state of supreme happiness

‘Sit on the fence’ means- remain neutral in dispute

‘Salt of life’ means- valuable things

‘Soft soap’ means- flattery for self motive

‘Swang song’ means – last work

‘Straw vote’ means- public opinion

‘To smell a rat’ means- to suspect something wrong

‘Through thick and thin’ means- under all condition

‘Three score’ means- Three times twenty

‘ Take into account’ means- consider

 ‘Throw cold water on’ means-  Damp the spirits

‘To be one’s wit end’ means- not to know what to do

‘To see red’ means- To be very angry

‘ To be partial to something’ means- like it

‘Tooth and nail’ means- completely

‘ Tittle tattle’ means- gossip

‘White Elephant’ means – a very costly and troublesome possession

‘Worth his salt’ means – a respectable man

‘With open arms’ means- warmly

‘Yeoman’s service’ means – render a valuable service































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